Sunday 13 December 2009

YCN- Actionaid Evaluation

I started out this module heavily interested in producing image based work and over the course of the module have moved closer and closer towards type, and have a strong interest in that too. Its one reason why i decided to undertake this brief. It gave me an opportunity to work in indesign and expand me knowledge of type, grid and the software itself.

It was an interesting brief to undertake and a subject that i'm not entirely sold. This made it a particular challenge for me to produce a body of work for something i don't entirely believe in. I did however, make a few changes towards the typefaces used, but i did stick to the colour palette supplied by ActionAid.

Overall, i am pleased with this brief as i was able to use it to gain the experience i wanted with in design and type and layout. I may take the opportunity of YCN not finishing until april to change the typefaces and work with the ones supplied. I would also take the opportunity to explore more stock options and customising the mailout box.

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