Thursday 3 December 2009


So i printed the pamphlet i'd been working on for ActionAid off only to fall at the last hurdle. I guess its because i was rushing.

The way i'd set my document up meant that when opened up the type was upside down.It was a shame because the stock i printed on was the last sheet and the shop didn't have anymore. Lesson learnt and it is something i will be mindful of in the future and i must remember to proof and take more care when producing mockups.

Over the course of this module i've been moving closer and closer to type based work than image. I think at the moment in time i have a good balance between type and image.
I said at the start of this module i wanted to learn indesign and get to grips with type, grids and layouts. I've learnt a great deal but still have a long way to go.

I sorted out the layout of the booklet by flipping the front 2 panels around

I wanted to keep the same aesthetic as the stock before so i printed it on news print

Its abit too thin is the newsprint but when pinned up you can't really see through the paper.
I didn't feel as though just the leaflet was enough to entice people enough.

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