Friday 27 November 2009

Don't Panic Evaluation

I started off the module wanting to complete a quick one week brief for a don't panic brief just to get my engines started after the summer break. I went back to my hold ways and dithered and made a poster for social that had already been done and better. The constant procrastination on my part eventually evolved this one poster for don't panic into an entirely new brief for me - rants.

I wasted alot of time by doing this and am going to be careful in the future.

I decided later on to produce a small series of don't panic briefs. This was entirely to give me some smaller briefs to occupy my time as i feel its sometimes good to have to have a quick turnaround. The don't panic briefs are something i consider essential for students to participate in simply as a means to get your name out and promote yourself. Nothing more.

I've been edging more towards type this module and the 3 posters i've created since the oil piece follow the same aesthetic, colour and type. What gets the concept across is the words themselves. I have been looking at alot of graffiti recently and KR (the man behind Krink) whose signature style is drips, i wanted to explore this aesthetic in my digital work. After experimenting with type and the drips i want to explore it in a more graffiti way. Perhaps have the type cut out, sprayed and drips added.
I might try abit of it over christmas.

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