Monday 30 November 2009

Rinse Clothing presents Sleaze - Evaluation

Photos from the sleaze complete packaged shoot.

This was supposed to be my longest brief, i wanted to go all out but i screwed up and didn't plan my time properly and ended up producing mediocre prints. I am not entirely thrilled with the outcome. I think this is my weakest brief and has definitely taught me the most.

I dithered with ideas back and forth and didn't make decisions quick enough. If i want to continue making t-shirts i want to have custom labels, quality t-shirts and packaging. I think with this brief i started to rush it thinking i dont have enough time to complete another brief, but i guess i do.

Although the concept of political scandal is not shown directly through the imagery, i still think they have a selling point. Halftone graphic t-shirts are in at the moment and i believe i could create some unique imagery. Although a little too late i managed to find a supplier of american apparel t-shirts ( I wasnt happy with the way my labels came out with the college facilities, and i need to find a way to sew them in properly and neatly. I also was able to find a label printers - funnily they have an office in leeds.

I think for me t-shirts is a way of expression and more of a hobby than something i'd want to do as a profession, with that in mind i'm going to produce t-shirts as extra curricular work rather than for module submission, its off my own back then and won't jeopardise my marks for module hand in. However, there has also been some plus sides to this module. I got to try out in design and produce a little book - i was able to learn about master pages and creating grid systems, baseline grids. But again i was rushing i think with more planning and insight i could have produced a high quality book and perhaps got it professionally printed. As part of PPD i've been approaching different printers and looking into it as a profession. I'm looking forward to producing more books. Also in April a few of us are planning to enter the Leeds University Book Fair, i plan on producing a few screen printed books. Not entirely sure on what for now tho but its something to think about over christmas.

Saturday 28 November 2009


Had the photoshoot for my t-shirts last night. I've burnt them all onto disk for hand in, but below you'll find copys of my contact sheets just incase.

Photos by: David Rukin

Friday 27 November 2009

Don't Panic Evaluation

I started off the module wanting to complete a quick one week brief for a don't panic brief just to get my engines started after the summer break. I went back to my hold ways and dithered and made a poster for social that had already been done and better. The constant procrastination on my part eventually evolved this one poster for don't panic into an entirely new brief for me - rants.

I wasted alot of time by doing this and am going to be careful in the future.

I decided later on to produce a small series of don't panic briefs. This was entirely to give me some smaller briefs to occupy my time as i feel its sometimes good to have to have a quick turnaround. The don't panic briefs are something i consider essential for students to participate in simply as a means to get your name out and promote yourself. Nothing more.

I've been edging more towards type this module and the 3 posters i've created since the oil piece follow the same aesthetic, colour and type. What gets the concept across is the words themselves. I have been looking at alot of graffiti recently and KR (the man behind Krink) whose signature style is drips, i wanted to explore this aesthetic in my digital work. After experimenting with type and the drips i want to explore it in a more graffiti way. Perhaps have the type cut out, sprayed and drips added.
I might try abit of it over christmas.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Action! - Guidlines

I'm going to have a limited colour palette and stick to the Pantone red and the creams, using the stock choice aswell.
These are horrible typefaces and in the annual review Helen sent me i never saw bradley hand. I have no plan on sending this off. If i do i'll change the typefaces but i aint using them for a portfolio piece.



Another don't panic

YCN- Actionaid

So i was having trouble finding out facts and figures about how much Action Aid does for the bollocks to poverty campaign. I emailed asking a few questions and they were kind enough to reply and request my address to send me some stuff.

Yeah YCN hadn't enclosed the starter pack fully. We have corporate colours and image guidlines to work from. Sucks major but not many changes yet.

Anyway this booklet holds loadsa information about what work actionaid actually do.
Amazing stuff. Real people. Real inspiring stories. I've enclosed it in my hand in work.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Don't Panic - Fear

The Fear of dots. Figured this was nice looking but too generic and wanted something a little different and more a style what i've been working to recently.

Modern TWO 16 is my new favourite typeface can't get enough of it
More drips


Few mistakes during printed resulted in buying more tees. Just a note i used Primark tees for convenience. THEY ARE SHIT.

Cayote tee came out the best

The dog one wasnt bad too.

Another fuck up. The amount of ink just makes the tees stick. I'm going to reprint them tomorrow. I took photos anyway with models. The tees will look the same just darker and better prints.

I got some labels printed for inside the tees.

60p for the ink coverage

Mock ups of packaged tees. Still need to print onto them


Monday 23 November 2009

The End of the World

Another old Don't Panic brief ' THE END OF THE WORLD'
I wanted to use quotes and illustrative manipulated type for this poster. So Here it is.

Twirl tool - the secret to si scotts success
Bruce Springsteen lyrics
2012 in roman numerals. Not entirely sure which to print.