Tuesday 29 September 2009

Rationale - Why?

After the quick 1 day brief. I've decided to use this as an extra brief. so that makes 5. Having a briefing later on with Leeds City Council about producing a 32page booklet. I created a small zine for my promo material, and this has become something i want to look at more.

We had this session today where we outline what we want from this year and what we need from this year. It was really informative and helped me straighten out what i exactly want from this module and year.

Why and How???

Over this year i want to further develop my illustration skills; in particular regards to print production. This where my interests lie and what i see myself doing for the considerable future. I will explore different illustration styles; ranging from hand drawn illustration through to vector in the efforts to further explore different print methods from screen printing, letterpress to digital 4 colour print processes using college facilities. I also am going to visit different professional printers; as an extension of my design strategies brief. I'll link visit on here to that blog... DESIGN STRATEGY. The briefs i have selected allow me to look into/research in depth into social and political issues that arise over the course of the year. I see myself continuing to work cover this subject matter for the considerable future. I don't plan on trying to change the world, i just want to vent some of my frustration. I want to continue to explore the style of illustration i was looking at last year and over summer, as this is a style i'm comfortable with and enjoy working to the profiles i've set up. One aspiration is to launch my own range of t-shirts around this political and/or social theme, which would include a monthly zine focusing on different events and my reaction explained. Just a thought. So the learning of indesign would be useful and is something i want to do anyway; as i believe it will simply come in handy.

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