Monday 28 September 2009

Design Practise 3

And so it begins... another year... another heart ache.
Lets begin.

Design Practise 3 is pretty much the completion of a series (4 or more) of self-initiated briefs, which have been negotiated with Fred et al.

Deadline : 16th December 2009

1) I produced a quick turn around for the Threadless loves Geeks t-shirt competition.

Geek Wars - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

All Geeks Love Han Solo.
I could produce a series of tees around the concept of geek heroes.
Stay Tuned. Quick 1 day turnaround. Infact it was more like 15mins. Very quick turnaround to get me producing design sheets and exploring different options after a prolonged absense.

Tomorrow i plan on completing another short 1 day brief. Weather permitting.

Edit: I got declined due to the t-shirt apparently been unable to be printed due it going too close to the seems. Sucks. Gunna make some changes then

Edit: Edit: I reworked the tee to a different spec which should fit into threadless design guidlines.

Still got denied. Going to have to come up with something else.

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