Wednesday 30 September 2009


is a competition website similar to and threadless. Place up examples of work and the client decides who they want to go with.

Anyway the first brief i looked at was:


We are a start up fashion business based in New York; we create couture bridal dresses and evening gowns that combine modern New York flair with a European eye toward detail and grace.


We need a very simple, stylish, and modern logo design (by using the company name). This logo will be placed on all the company labels (dresses, accessories, etc.) and will also be used on the company stationery and web site.


Our target audience is comprised of American and European women between the ages of 25-45, who have a taste for fashion that is simple, chic and sophisticated.
We are a very small company with the ambition of becoming known internationally. What makes us different from other American designers is how we incorporate a European couture touch in our otherwise contemporary gowns.


We are looking for a simple design that is powerful and chic. (See uploaded examples below).

Black is preferred; we are open to any font or style you suggest.


Black color (although some accent colors are fine); the word "New York" should be placed somewhere below the name of the company, "Tony Hamawy".

Again, please keep it simple: no flashy colors, no silly drawings or pictures on logo.

Like i said i wanna produce a folio of different logos that i will do over this module. It can be a 1 logo a week brief up until the submission. Keep a contextual journal about Type and Layout. How will this inform my practise?

Anyway... I spent literally an hour on this and i think it reflects the whole nouveau feel of classy new york. I haven't received any feed back yet but hopefully it will turn out well. We'll see

Heres my submission


So i've finalised what briefs i'm actually doing. It works out really well for me. There are alot of social/political theme based briefs floating around, which is not only an interest of mine, its something i see myself continuing to do. I got one brief thats simple because of how fun it would be and something i plan to expand on over the course of the year.

So here we go...

1) Don't Panic - Design the poster: Social Deadline 9th October
This will be a quick 1 week brief. The competition is judged by non other than Shepard Fairey. So this is an amazing opportunity to show your work to a well known and major artists. Perhaps the biggest artists as of late. Have a few simple ideas running through my head involving community and social networking such as fazzo myspace etc.

2) Headline - Deadline 2nd November

This is a brief run by some lads who graduated from BA last year and are running a brief to produce a poster around a headline or article from a newspaper. It can be pretty much anything you want. Illustration/Typographic/Both. And anything from political to humour.

I'm going to extend this brief to a weekly digest. Where i will screen print my response over the weeks up until the deadline and will pick the best one to hand in.
I will focus on political and social issues. Probably mostly political as there is alot of talk about lectures, afghanistan etc.

3) Communication Arts annuals Deadline: May 14 2010

Enter the most prestigious competition for creativity in graphic design, the Communication Arts Design
Competition. Any design project printed, published or aired for the first time within the last twelve
months prior to the deadline is eligible. Selected by a jury of leading design professionals, the winning
entries will be distributed worldwide in the Communication Arts Design Annual and on,
assuring important exposure to the creators of this outstanding work.

I want to produce a series of t-shirts around British Political figures. I got this crazy idea about recreating the official photos of political figures where their face is actually one of those gimmiky halloween masks. I got the idea while watching Point Break, where Swayze and co rob banks as the Ex Presidents wearing said halloween masks.
This brief will be running until the end. As i want to produce not just t-shirts, but labels, packaging, tags and a little zine outlining the process from inital idea through to finish and looking at each character.
I hope to continue this in to some sort of brand. Going to set up my website to coincide with the deadline and launch a shop online to sell my tees.

4) Logo Designs from crowdSPRING

I had fun and learnt alot about producing logos. I found it easier to produce a logo for someone else rather than myself. I will enter a series of logo based competitions on crowdSPRING

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Statement of Intent - How?

I'm going to create imagery to my related themes and interests, using various methods of production continuing mainly with screen print and digital print. I will also continue to develop my skills in illustrator in particular; as well as exploring editorial design as i wish to produce my own small zine in conjunction with a series of t-shirts i will screen print, and look into mass production of t-shirts through different printing companies.

I believe that i will never stop been a student of some sort. I will always be learning something new which develops my working practise. So as i continue to work i will be trying to explore as much as i can in terms of production skills and finishing methods.

Rationale - Why?

After the quick 1 day brief. I've decided to use this as an extra brief. so that makes 5. Having a briefing later on with Leeds City Council about producing a 32page booklet. I created a small zine for my promo material, and this has become something i want to look at more.

We had this session today where we outline what we want from this year and what we need from this year. It was really informative and helped me straighten out what i exactly want from this module and year.

Why and How???

Over this year i want to further develop my illustration skills; in particular regards to print production. This where my interests lie and what i see myself doing for the considerable future. I will explore different illustration styles; ranging from hand drawn illustration through to vector in the efforts to further explore different print methods from screen printing, letterpress to digital 4 colour print processes using college facilities. I also am going to visit different professional printers; as an extension of my design strategies brief. I'll link visit on here to that blog... DESIGN STRATEGY. The briefs i have selected allow me to look into/research in depth into social and political issues that arise over the course of the year. I see myself continuing to work cover this subject matter for the considerable future. I don't plan on trying to change the world, i just want to vent some of my frustration. I want to continue to explore the style of illustration i was looking at last year and over summer, as this is a style i'm comfortable with and enjoy working to the profiles i've set up. One aspiration is to launch my own range of t-shirts around this political and/or social theme, which would include a monthly zine focusing on different events and my reaction explained. Just a thought. So the learning of indesign would be useful and is something i want to do anyway; as i believe it will simply come in handy.

Monday 28 September 2009

Design Practise 3

And so it begins... another year... another heart ache.
Lets begin.

Design Practise 3 is pretty much the completion of a series (4 or more) of self-initiated briefs, which have been negotiated with Fred et al.

Deadline : 16th December 2009

1) I produced a quick turn around for the Threadless loves Geeks t-shirt competition.

Geek Wars - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

All Geeks Love Han Solo.
I could produce a series of tees around the concept of geek heroes.
Stay Tuned. Quick 1 day turnaround. Infact it was more like 15mins. Very quick turnaround to get me producing design sheets and exploring different options after a prolonged absense.

Tomorrow i plan on completing another short 1 day brief. Weather permitting.

Edit: I got declined due to the t-shirt apparently been unable to be printed due it going too close to the seems. Sucks. Gunna make some changes then

Edit: Edit: I reworked the tee to a different spec which should fit into threadless design guidlines.

Still got denied. Going to have to come up with something else.