Friday 16 October 2009

Headline II: Continued

Serious lack of updates due to blogger been a nuisance and hiding the editing box. Anyway i'm back.
I made some headway with the 2nd Headline brief. Here's what i got...

I had this idea about having a garage sale/ car boot box full of these public services that Gordon Brown plans on selling. I should explore this further.
Running with the idea of sale and selling bits off. I took an extreme view and decided to explore this idea of Gordon Brown would sell off parts of the country in a bid to boost the economy. I then found an amazing poster, which really inspired my work...

Then came the spanner in the works. We had a Show 'n' Tell kinda crit before our real crits next week. General consensus was that everyone on my course was rushing towards a final piece and not exploring enough options.

So i'm now going back over my previous briefs; Don't Panic and Headline.
The Headline brief got good feedback but i'm still going to go back and explore different options.

If i can get back on track by monday i'll still be sticking to my timetable. I'm going to start my T-shirt designs and research over the course of next week and spend a good month on that which leaves november and december for production and evaluating, photographing and enough time to build my site.

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