Friday 22 May 2009

Fridays shouldn't suck

I didnt really have a productive day today. Got a big list of stuff to do over this longer weekend. I plan on having some sleep tho. 3 days just aint funny.

Anyway... i did get my screens coated and exposed. I feel uncomfortable down the other road. I keep thinking Roger is going to hurt me. Ha
I'm gunna screen print all Wednesday so i have something new for my portfolio, besides digital vector graphics. 

Anyway i've had an update with my IDST brief.

I'd produced these posters. Not amazing. But like i said i want to work on my hand drawn illustration skills.

Everyone said this one was really nice. I hate that word. It is in no way constructive. However, what was said is to make the type flow with the hair more like the one below.
Colours were also mentioned and how to put it into context. I know exactly how. Just havent got there yet.
Mistakes! I wrote the same line twice only weirdly. No sleep causes this. And of course doing them by hand is also a fucking nightmare, when you have to start over. I prefer the red one, however the blue received more constructive and worthy feedback.

Too illustrative?

Anyway i produced this to day...

Not sure about the colours. But i like the experimental work with the type. I did it by accident.
The red uploaded looks better in RGB. I'm gunna play more with the colours later and get the layout sorted. Then on with Bobby D.

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