Wednesday 4 March 2009

Developing Initial Ideas

We began running with one idea really about the history of communication and how this had changed over the centurys arriving at 2009 with o2's iphone supply.

We had the idea of the history of communication. So we went off and generate different ideas around the various ways of communicating.
I liked this idea of a series of posters showing the development of communication technology. The colour scheme would have worked really well.
We joked about having a weekly tangent post. Well this isnt happening but still going to put them on here. This was just a quick illustration i did whilst very frustrated at home. I like it. I think it has potential. But o2 obviously wouldnt use it as it would make them seem big headed and the use of profanity. I might explore this series of ideas as a graffiti style campaign just to see how it looked. I think graffiti is really in at the moment. Heck, it must be since louis vuitton are having all their stores down over by graffiti artists.
This was an idea of connecting people and bringing people together. The continents of the world joined or at least moved closer.
We decided to run with the communication idea and looked at different civilisations such as Egyptian and Roman. I was taken ill so Anand picked up the slack for a couple of days. Cheers pal.

We got a point where we was running with an idea that people in our crit didn't fully understand.
Questions raised included:
1) Does the communication idea work as a set?
2) Which idea works best from the set?
3) Do we need to use all the forms of communication?
4) Should we take just the one theme and work on that theme?
5) Which other ideas have potential?

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