Tuesday 24 March 2009

YCN-Submission Boards

Poster and Billboard

Anand complete the poster and billboard we are going to submit for YCN. I then went and added the text and prepared it in photoshop for contextualising.

Friday 20 March 2009


Heres the spreads i produced while anand is busy with the poster and billboard. He has a strong hands on visual style which suites the concept and posters we want to produce. I have 100% faith in him. I hope he has it in me. Anyway here they are.

I'm in the process of designing the front cover.
We still need to come up with a tag line.

I'll post the sheet up with our possibilities soon
But my favourite is:


O2 we're better connected and always have been.

Wednesday 18 March 2009


Anand is busy on the posters.
Here's what he's done so far, I cant wait to see the finished posters.

Heres the test pieces he's done. Trying to find the style which will suit the posters and billboard

Booklet Layouts

I did some layouts for the booklet spreads while anand is busy doing the poster and billboard aspect of our brief. I feel really good about the quantity, quality of work we have both produced. Anand's work practice has helped build upon the aspects of my practice that were lacking. I explore my design possibilities more thoroughly and he has no problem telling me where an idea is shit hot or just shit.

Monday 16 March 2009

Final Crests


Vector Coloured these emblems. Gunna liaise with anand about which ones to go with. I think the colours reflect the visual language we looked at for inspiration.
On to producing the booklet now. Anand is making some promotional posters.

Friday 13 March 2009


We produced a series of layouts for the series of posters and booklet we plan on producing. We will probably produce more than that over the course of the brief. But for now this will do.
we had the idea of a concertina leaflet that explains the different promotional offers involved within our empire packages. We'll see how these layouts work better once we have our emblems digitalised.

Layout Research

Thursday 12 March 2009

Vector Wizard

We finally got the ideas for our emblems down. Anand spent an afternoon and one morning drawing out the emblems so they would have a consistant style throughout each one. I then vectored them in Illustrator. My back is still suffering

Colour coming soon...